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Black Sabbath

A terrifying vampire tale
Black Sabbath is one of those movies that made a horrifyingly-indelible impression on me when I first saw it. In "The Drop of Water", I can still see the contorted visage of the dead spiritualist as she fixes her malevolent stare on the woman who has robbed her in death. "The Telephone" was the weakest of the trio. But the third segment--The Wurdalak--gave me insomnia for days. As a lover of the vampire genre, I was struck by the twist in the old legend: a Wurdalak returns from the dead to attack those whom he loved best on earth. Boris Karloff plays the title character, a paterfamilias who sets out to destroy a local bandit-turned-Wurdalak. If he has not returned in exactly three days, the family will know that he has been victimized, and must be destroyed. Of course, he returns just after the three day mark. The sheer horror comes from the fact that the family knows the truth, but can't admit it. The scene of Karloff cuddling and stroking his...
This is NOT the American Version
Buyers be forewarned. Unlike the "also from" Anchor Bay trailers showing the American AIP version of "Black Sabbath", what is on the disc is NOT that version. Instead this is the European Italian language version with subtitles and even Karloff's voice is dubbed in Italian. Their advertising is very misleading for the unaware.

Due to some sort of contractual differences with AIP, this is all that is currently available to the public.
You know I have never seen a DVD that is more ambiguous in its description and based on Amazon's reviews I am not alone. I purchased this DVD fully thinking I was getting the U.S. version and not the Italian version that I already own. The movie is in Italian with subtitles and a commentary track. For those of you who think I am a pan and scan knucklehead who does not appreciate films in their true uncut version you are wrong- the American Version is actually a different cut with alternate footage. Why not release both versions on one disc. If you are a Bava fan check it out but if you own the Image DVD you do not need to purchase this disc.
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