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Fantastic Voyage [Blu-ray]

Terrific reissue from Fox of sci-fi Cold War gem
Fans of 60's science fiction will appreciation the deluxe terrific reissue of "Fantastic Voyage" put out by Fox. While very much a product of the mid-60's, "Fantastic Voyage" holds up surprisingly well in just about every area. I doubt that fans need a recap of the plot but I have one at the end of this review if you're interested.

First up we get a brand new marvelous looking transfer for the film. It isn't perfect but it couldn't be because of the source material. Some shots appear soft and a bit blurry due to the process photography/visual effects added to shots but that's unavoidable and fairly typical of films from this time before digital video. Colors are bold and as bright as I remember them.

Unlike the previous release we get some really good extras as well. The featurette on visual effects has Richard Edlund ("Close Encounters", "Blade Runner") discussing the difficulty of shooting a visual effects film like "Fantastic Voyage" in 1965 (it was releasedin...
This was a excellent addition to my sci-fi collection. All of these movies are solid classics.
If bought separately this would have cost me around $56.00. This set is just $17.99.
No double-sided disc's here, this set was done RIGHT with a 4 disc set all SINGLE SIDED. Graphic covers on all the disc's also.
All 4 disc's are protected in a illustrated inner plastic casing , with a attractive laminated illustrated cardboard outer case.
The movies in this Fox 75th year stuio classics collection are:

Fantastic Voyage (1966)/ color/ 100 minutes...includes:
1) on/off commentary by film + music historian Jeff Bond.
2) on/off isolated score track with commentary by film+ music historians Jeff Bond, Jon Burlingame and Nick Redman.
3) Lava lamps + celluloid: a tribute to the visual effects of Fantastic Voyage.
4) Whirlpool scene: storyboard to scene comparison.
5) original props
6) trailer + TV spots
7) Galleries

Often-overlooked classic finally gets its due on DVD
FANTASTIC VOYAGE has always puzzled me a bit. Well, not the movie itself, but the seeming lack of critical or popular accolades it has been given. Growing up in the seventies, I recall it was a staple of "All Nite Movies" on the only channel we received that stayed on all night. And the film was just a marvel to my young eyes: A team of scientists, including the incomparable Raquel Welch, is miniaturized and injected into the bloodstream of a comatose patient. What follows is a colorful and thrill-packed journey inside the human body. The crew of the Proteus encounters the body's natural defense systems, nearly gets smashed by the awesome force of the beating heart, and has to repair damaged blood vessels in the brain.

Doesn't that sound great?

It is, but like I said, for some reason the film is rarely talked about, even among hardcore classic science fiction fans. Be that as it may, 20th Century Fox is finally giving this often-overlooked film the deluxe...
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