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Last Will & Testament

An Artistic and Documentary Triumph
Regarding 'Last Will. and Testament', my compliments to the directors/producers/cinematographers.

In addition to what others have said, I think it should get into print somewhere that this film has rare artistic power and integrity to go along with a compelling historical analysis on a critical cultural subject. The flow and tension of the viewing experience make it aesthetically enjoyable. The photography has an eerie quality of rich visual depth that invites the viewer back in time for a moment.

Would like to see the uncut version. There seems to be much more to tell, and I have the idea that the 'Shakespeare' mystery veils some dangerous historical events, relationships, and tragedies. Otherwise there would have been no reason for the Stratford bamboozle in the first place.
A cogent display of evidence on who wrote Shakespeare
This is a well researched and organized documentary regarding who really wrote the Shakespeare works. The producers interview English professors, theater professionals and historians about what is known about William Shaksper of Stratford on Avon - and why his case for authorship is so weak. They also present a powerful circumstantial case for the 17th Earl of Oxford as the true author, based upon detailed parallels between his biography and the plots of the plays; other parallels in language and thought between his private letters and the metaphors and ideas displayed in the dramas and sonnets; and more. All in all, a sober-minded analysis of the authorship issue - and a compelling solution.
Well what do you know?
If you know little to nothing of the controversy of the authorship of the Shakespeare works, you have come to the right documentary. Whether you accept or do not accept the Stratford fellow as the author, this is a very informative step by step approach as to WHY there is controversy in the first place. The documentary is very sound and balanced and discusses the topic WITHOUT the usual millstone of emotion that normally revolves around the debate. And there is a LOT of emotion around this debate. If you have an open, scientific mind, this is a thoughtful film that deconstructs the question so that all, regardless of the level of knowledge about the history and people of the time, will come away with a good understanding of the debate. There is much to know on this subject and this film only scratches the surface.
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